Sunday, October 24, 2010


Just a quick sketchy kinda thing... I've been experimenting with the chibi art form, and this is what i came up with.... I'm most likely going to finish it and color it, also. If u want moar chibi, comment!

From left to right:
Clair(angry girl, unfinished), Leo(angry boy, unfinished...), Katie E.(girl in love), Maddi(skin-and-bones), Katie B.(crazy girl), and Ginny(crazy-on-the-inside-calm-on-teh-outside girl)


  1. At least þey have CLOTHES... þat's an improvement.

    P.S. I removed all þe "TH's" in þis comment wiþ þe exception of þe one back þere and replaced þem wiþ þ.
    Old English Dead Letter FTW

  2. so sad. no longer at the farm, no longer in the farmie pictures. i think imma gon cry now.

  3. It's ok Duncan. It's ok. Just don't QQ cause this isn't the QQ forum.

    P.S. QQ = cry on the internet cause I think like Alt+QQ was how to exit/forfeit a Starcraft online multiplayer game.


rudeness will be deleted, sarcasm accepted