The Dream Team:
(there's a lot of us...)
Joel (the Awesome)
He is a (
Ginny (Henry)
She is a hyperactive (
Leo (The Anvil God)
If I say anything bad about Leo, he will *text removed* so I think I'll just say that he's a ninth-grader who likes violence and video games. And meat. Lots of it. "SCREW VEGATARIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he says.
Duncan (Duunko)
An awesomated tenth-grader who likes manga, anime, taking over the world, and video games. He's best friends with Leo and super sarcastic. He's also the best actor in our entire school, and there's a 99.9% chance that he'll be famous some day.
Laura (the Epic)
She is the smallest of us all, but also the greatest. She is a really good friend and likes playing MMOs and Kirby. She is also an eighth-grade healing-class magician and has a staff capable of resurrection and turning people into sheep. Laura should also take credit for a lot of the funniest jokes in the comic, so if you're rofl'ing so hard your kidney falls out, sue her!
Hannah (Beezle)
This grade-conscious eighth-grader likes to float around the page and explain everything just in case you missed something. She also makes sure that she knows who everyone has a crush on and blah blah blah. She is also a co-writer of the comic and provides a lot of the plotlines for it!
Maddi (the Artist)
That's me. I'm in eighth-grade, and I LIKE BIRDS AND SQUIDS. I also like to draw. It's fun. Even if I'm not good at it. That is all. Oh yeah, and SCREW PEOPLE WHO EAT MORE MEAT THAN ANYTHING ELSE! that means you, leo.
That kid from math class with good grades. He has a slight obsession with chess and other board games, and revels in ironic situations. He is also excellent at drawing mechanical weapons and writing jokes for the comics. As a character in the comics, he wears sunglasses and has weird-ish hair. Also assists Sean with the making of top secret soon-to-be released movies.
Sean U. (sean yoo)
The newest member of the crew, an all-knowing magician that can't even levitate a chair, is a fun-loving, cool-tastic, awesomazing hat-wearer. He likes to pull the cool guy act a lot, and comes fully equipped with a gaydar and his favorite top hat, Clyde.
Ashley (the uh... what am I again?)
This crazy little flower never knows when to stop partying. Literally. She's desperately in love with Joel, but doesn't mind his rejection as much as... other girls... She occasionally gets turned into the red-headed girl she is at heart, but Laura never forgets to turn her back to the plant she really is.
Katie B.
The motherly figure who loves good grades, good behavior, and good-looking guys. ;D
Helen Grace
Katie B's sassy, ninth-grade best friend forever. She hates her first name, Helen, so she goes by Grace(CALL HER HELEN ANYWAY!!!). She can also be a little crazy-random-tastic, sometimes, too.... >.>
This crazy little flower never knows when to stop partying. Literally. She's desperately in love with Joel, but doesn't mind his rejection as much as... other girls... She occasionally gets turned into the red-headed girl she is at heart, but Laura never forgets to turn her back to the plant she really is.
Katie B.
The motherly figure who loves good grades, good behavior, and good-looking guys. ;D
Helen Grace
Katie B's sassy, ninth-grade best friend forever. She hates her first name, Helen, so she goes by Grace
Sean U's hat. is it a fedora or a top hat?!?!!? it may be both. Contains a secret portal with unknown artifacts inside.......................
A slightly crazy kid at the school who Leo passes off jobs to when he's too damn lazy to do anything. Also plays a role in several movies.
Who the hell are you people?!?!
We are just average students who go to this charter school, which has a Montessori Curriculum and stuff like that, so we are encouraged to put our creativity and imaginations into action, i guess. Bear with us, we do not usually have contact with "normal people," so if you're one of those you might want to hang on to your hat.
Just who is the person who makes all these comics, movies, etc.?
All, or most, of the Dream Team members take part in creating squidfeathers content. Maddi is the Artist (no duh), Hannah Beezle and Sean Yoo collaborate to make scripts for movies and help a lot with plotting the comics. Leo likes to color in the blood in the comics, while pretty much everyone has some part in creating the ideas for the comics, characters, plotlines, etc. Like we said, we are learning to cooperate with each other and work as a group, and we try to get as many students at our school in on this as we can.
Where did this all start? Why are there so many characters/team members involved?
The very first comic was actually an inside joke between Maddi the Artist, Ginny Henry, Leo, and Joel the Awesome. Maddi had drawn the comic from the hypothetical situation: what would happen if Ginny tripped Leo? At the time, Ginny was dating Joel and so if this had really happened Leo would probably have taken his anger out on Joel. Maddi found this hilarious and drew the comic in a record time of ten minutes, or something. Anyway, this inspired the four of them to start making more ideas for comics, and it wasn't long before Hannah Beezle, Laura the Epic, Duunko, and Sean Yoo jumped in to become characters as well as collaborators. Everyone wanted to help, and Maddi really couldn't turn them down. This is supposed to be a non-exclusive group project, right? We've gone through a lot since that September, but we're trying our hardest to bring awesome comics into the world despite our schoolwork and- OH MY GOD FINALS ARE NEXT WEEK! just kidding. maybe. But if you're REALLY wondering how this all started, I suggest you hit the archives.
Why SquidFeathers? Couldn't you have thought of a better name?
We could've, but we didn't. the name squidfeathers is mostly RANDOM-TASTIC, and was made up by Maddi and Leo just before the creation of the blog. Also, we came up with the concept of using feather quills and squid ink to write the comics with, but that didn't turn out so well. Now we just prefer to keep it metaphorical. Among Maddi's obsession with random animals, squids/cuttlefish, bluebirds, and pandas rank in the top three. And so, squidfeathers was born.
To Contact us with less frequently asked questions, comments, or even complaints, email us at or open up your fireplace and leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk with your note on the dining room table. We're sure to reply! Especially if they're sugar cookies. Mmmmm....
Sean U's hat. is it a fedora or a top hat?!?!!? it may be both. Contains a secret portal with unknown artifacts inside.......................
A slightly crazy kid at the school who Leo passes off jobs to when he's too damn lazy to do anything. Also plays a role in several movies.
Who the hell are you people?!?!
We are just average students who go to this charter school, which has a Montessori Curriculum and stuff like that, so we are encouraged to put our creativity and imaginations into action, i guess. Bear with us, we do not usually have contact with "normal people," so if you're one of those you might want to hang on to your hat.
Just who is the person who makes all these comics, movies, etc.?
All, or most, of the Dream Team members take part in creating squidfeathers content. Maddi is the Artist (no duh), Hannah Beezle and Sean Yoo collaborate to make scripts for movies and help a lot with plotting the comics. Leo likes to color in the blood in the comics, while pretty much everyone has some part in creating the ideas for the comics, characters, plotlines, etc. Like we said, we are learning to cooperate with each other and work as a group, and we try to get as many students at our school in on this as we can.
Where did this all start? Why are there so many characters/team members involved?
The very first comic was actually an inside joke between Maddi the Artist, Ginny Henry, Leo, and Joel the Awesome. Maddi had drawn the comic from the hypothetical situation: what would happen if Ginny tripped Leo? At the time, Ginny was dating Joel and so if this had really happened Leo would probably have taken his anger out on Joel. Maddi found this hilarious and drew the comic in a record time of ten minutes, or something. Anyway, this inspired the four of them to start making more ideas for comics, and it wasn't long before Hannah Beezle, Laura the Epic, Duunko, and Sean Yoo jumped in to become characters as well as collaborators. Everyone wanted to help, and Maddi really couldn't turn them down. This is supposed to be a non-exclusive group project, right? We've gone through a lot since that September, but we're trying our hardest to bring awesome comics into the world despite our schoolwork and- OH MY GOD FINALS ARE NEXT WEEK! just kidding. maybe. But if you're REALLY wondering how this all started, I suggest you hit the archives.
Why SquidFeathers? Couldn't you have thought of a better name?
We could've, but we didn't. the name squidfeathers is mostly RANDOM-TASTIC, and was made up by Maddi and Leo just before the creation of the blog. Also, we came up with the concept of using feather quills and squid ink to write the comics with, but that didn't turn out so well. Now we just prefer to keep it metaphorical. Among Maddi's obsession with random animals, squids/cuttlefish, bluebirds, and pandas rank in the top three. And so, squidfeathers was born.
To Contact us with less frequently asked questions, comments, or even complaints, email us at or open up your fireplace and leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk with your note on the dining room table. We're sure to reply! Especially if they're sugar cookies. Mmmmm....
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