Saturday, October 30, 2010

I will WIN!

I am about to prove that I can make a better RANDOM AND BORED post than SEAN YOO!!!!! I am soooo going to win this.
Would you like to hear a tale of woe and deceit?
I guess not...
Oh well!
Once upon a time there was a girl.
Her name was Hannah.
Her friend, Taylor, was very closed minded.
Hannah could tell that her friend was closed minded, so she made a bet with her.
I bet that blurb balh blah blurg hag!
And Taylor said: I'll bet on that! That will never come true!
Since that day, Hannah and Taylor have been making bets and Hannah always wins.
Taylor thought that the only reason Hannah won was luck.
Hannah said: HAH! The day you win a bet, the world will end and we will all die!
So they bet.
And now, everyone has to live in fear that Taylor will somehow win a bet, and the world will end.

Yeah, so that was TOTALLY MORE RANDOM AND BORED than Sean Yoo, RIGHT?!

So you should all FAIL! his post and EPIC! mine!

Come on guys, this isn't about me winning! This is about Sean Yoo LOSING!
So click that button!
Join the masses!
Oh, also you should help me convince Beth that we need to watch the new Robin Hood movie in her class.


  1. Wut.
    Oh goodness, next thing you know a 2 ton can of radioactive tuna will fall on your head, so watch out.

  2. I think you WON...

    ...the game.


rudeness will be deleted, sarcasm accepted