Saturday, January 22, 2011

A hickey can kill you?

Well, not really. However, it can cause you to have a small stroke and partially paralyze you.
I think that's kind of scary.
I just read an article about a woman in New Zealand who got a "love bite" from her significant other and ended up in the emergency room because of it. Apparently the suction from the hickey created a blood clot in a major artery and that clot traveled through the woman's bloodstream and reached her heart.
The story is that the woman was watching TV and noticed that she couldn't move her left arm. She went to the emergency room, and the doctors concluded that she had a small stroke. The only problem; they couldn't figure out what caused it. They discovered the hickey on her neck and determined that it was the cause.

Just something to keep in mind.
Here is the link to the article in case you want to read it.
I'm Hannah Beezle, and this was a news report from your local squidfeathers.

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