Wednesday, December 8, 2010

And Now For Something COMPLETELY Different

Ever notice how you loved the twilight books and hated the movies.
The book really wasn't too good to begin with.
Sure it was a page turner but still.
Its about a Vampire falls in love with a clumsy human.
How ORIGANAL stephenie meyers.
The reason the movies are so gay is Bella's lack of emotion.
Yeah she has that wanna-be sexual stare to the distance
but what is that gonna help you when you have a baby?
(yes I just gave the story away.)
She will just be looking in the distance.
Okay lets move on to Edward *sigh*
Get a tan.
Spray abs
That's all I'm going to say.
The only okay actor is jacob.
I know what your thinking.
I'm only saying that because my mom thinks he's hot.
no no no no no
I'm just saying that because he's a werewolf.

P.S. If you want me to be the critict of something else just comment.


  1. correction, the books suck @#$%. And true, the guy who plays Jacob is ok, but everyone else is @#$%^&(*%$#@!@##@!@#$%^%$#@!@#$%^&^%$#@!@#$%^%$#@!#$%&^%$#@ing bad. Seriously. We've got more %^&^%^%#^$&&#@^$&%%@%#@$^&^%#^s than we've got the like of them. Oh, and to get that joke, watch it

  2. Wow, when did you becomne a preteen girl, Joel? The books sucked. The movies sucked. I haven't seen the movies, but the advertisements were all I could bear. I started the books. Before I hit the 100 page mark, I quit. And I NEVER quit reading a book.

  3. But yes, Jacob is hot. He was hotter when he was "Shark Boy" though.

  4. by talking about twilight stephenie meyer has become that much more powerful.... NOOOOOOO! that's why i ignore it altogether. "if you ignore a bully it will go away"

  5. Bad book. Bad movie. Bad stuff. Any questions?

  6. PLEASE don't critique on anything else Joel, we commented because we hate it, not because we want you to do it again. :D I'm saying this in the friendliest way of course. :P


rudeness will be deleted, sarcasm accepted