Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dysfunctional GingerBread Family Comics!

I-after feeling the same way Hannah does-I decided to try to draw something.
I tried to think of the most simple thing I could!
And I thought of-GINGERBREAD MEN!
Except these aren't your typical loving Ginger Bread Family.
I made a few comics so far, where the son "Son comes out ot the cupboard" where everybody finds out he's a cannibal.
And then the dad sets the house on fire.
And the baby plots how to kill his family.

Awww.....The holidays.  Cannibalistic, murderous, arsonistic little gingerbread people.  Doesn't that just warm your heart?


  1. This explains, very bluntly, what I think of that. (Start at around 0:06, as the first 5 seconds are irrelevant and just plain wierd...)

    My thoughts aren't saying whether it is a good idea or bad, just watch this video.



rudeness will be deleted, sarcasm accepted