Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Goodbye, Hello!

The new line-up for the new school year! Um... wait a sec...
Laura isn't too happy i thiiiiiink.... T_T we do miss her though!


  1. you should keep the characters that keep the plot going, like leo and laura. some of the new characters are a bit boring and dont do anything to excell the plotline.

  2. @Gret
    like who? I have plenty of ideas for what part Grant will play, hehe.... and Aidan, and Vlad... I don't really know any of the NEW n00bies so that part might take awhile, but i have oodles of inspiration for plot development. But yes, i will keep Laura. Maybe not Leo, i've already found a replacement for him. Wait, should I have said that? Shi- *blood everywhere*

  3. i am happy :D...well not at being at RHS but still....


rudeness will be deleted, sarcasm accepted