Thursday, October 7, 2010


Yeah I found my printer.
This is S.A.N.D. the Super Awesome Ninja Dudes. They are a fun to draw group of ninjas. Ignore the two suck-ish ones on the bottom-right corner my sister drew those. Sorry the papers all wrinkly cause it's been through a lot. After Maddi asked me to post I throught I might as well put them on the internet.


  1. It could be a movie cover

    I'm commenting on my own work I'm such a hypocrite

  2. calling yourself a hypocrite when you are using the word hypocrite wrong is not hypocritical, its just plain dumb. so don't be dumb and use a dictionary, you hypocrite.

  3. NERD.............................. jk XD


rudeness will be deleted, sarcasm accepted